Sunday, September 26, 2010

Political dialog litmus test.

[The following is adapted and revised from a previous blog.]

This shouldn't be necessary. But it has come to this.

Before engaging in any political discussion, you should acknowledge the following as truths beyond debate:

  • Global climate change is real.
  • The Theory of Evolution is a fact.
  • President Obama is not Hitler, a Fascist, a Muslim, a Communist or a Socialist.
  • No one in the US government has advocated anything resembling euthanasia as a part of health insurance reform.
  • The moon is not made of cheese.
  • Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11.
  • A Czar is a media-created name for a government official who has a legal job to do and reports through normal administrative organization structures.
  • Torture is wrong and is a violation of US and international laws.
  • The attacks of 9/11 were planned and carried out by foreign terrorists with no involvement by anyone connected to the US government.
  • Fascism is an extreme RIGHT-wing ideology.
  • The Nazi's, despite their party name (National Socialist Party), were right wing and fascists, not socialists or liberals.
  • Any use of the Confederate flag is incompatible with claims of patriotism.
  • Tax cuts do in fact reduce revenue for the government and therefor contribute to deficits unless offset by spending cuts.
If a person can't agree to these statements they have lost touch with reality and are not worthy of a debate. I think that should set the bare minimum for some sane discourse. Or at least it will weed out the true loons.

These are real things.

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